Simon & Schuster 9781629144580 Book, Tracks and Tracking, Author: Josef Brunner

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mpn #: 9781629144580
Tracks and Tracking, Author: Josef Brunner, English, Paperback Binding, 224-Page. The most comprehensive guide to reading the signs and tracks of dozens of animals! To derive the greatest pleasure from the pursuit of game," Brunner writes in the foreword to this classic hunting guide, it is necessary to be versed in the science of interpreting the meaning of tracks and trails." With these words, the author begins his comprehensive survey of how to track and read animal signs. To the author and hunter this is not simply a matter of skill, but one of honor. A sportsman should consider it a sacred duty to acquire a working knowledge of tracks, trails and signs. The contents of this book represent the experience gained by the author from twenty years of uninterrupted life in the great outdoors. Included in this book are chapters on hunting on a wide variety of animals, such as white-tailed deer, moose, bears, bobcats, wolves, cottontail rabbits, otters, badgers, porcupine, feathered game, upland birds, predatory birds and many more! Last published in 1922, Tracks and Tracking is an invaluable resource for hunters of every stripe. Complete with hundreds of detailed illustrations, this book will help anyone looking to increase their ability to read signs and trails and become as well versed in tracking as the author could with years of experience in the woods.
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SKU 2052756
Manufacturer Part Number 9781629144580

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